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Bulletin & Noticeboard

Notices for

Sunday 6th October 2024

Harvest Thanksgiving


​Parish Survey & Safeguarding

On behalf of myself and the PCC, Thank you to all those who have responded to the questionnaire which has provided some useful feedback. If you have raised any concerns in your feedback or have any concerns, (safeguarding or otherwise) we would like to discuss this with you. Please can you contact myself or the PSO Judith.

If you have any safeguarding concerns current or historic which you would like to discuss with the Diocesan safeguarding adviser who is:

Angela Colman

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor for Willesden

Tel: 020 3837 5099 Or 07388995738


London Diocesan House, 36 Causton Street, London SW1P 4AU

Fr Robert


Harvest Supper & Bingo, Saturday 5th October, 7.30pm

Tickets £12, includes supper of  lasagne, garlic bread and salad.  Please bring your own drinks and glasses.  Tickets will be on sale from September.


​Church Welcome/Watch A really big thank you to all those who have signed up for this;  your help is greatly appreciated.  There are still many gaps to fill and we would be very pleased to have more people sign up to join the team.  A new rota is at the back of the church.


Local Estates, Coopers have kindly agreed to sponsor our Martinmas Fair in November. However, we need people to sign up urgently (by 3rd October) to be willing to have an Advertising Board outside their home.

If you are willing to be a part of this, please put your details on the sign-up sheet in church. Thank you!


From Our New Curate Designate

Dear All at St Martin's, I am very excited to be joining you as Curate in June once I have finished my course at Mirfield.

In meantime you will very much be in my prayers as I finish at Mirfield and prepare to move and start worshiping with you.








Record of Family Worship 

If you wish your child to be considered for a school place in a local Church School, you must ensure you sign the  Record of Family Worship Forms. The clergy wish to give as much support as possible to any applications.  Parents must provide evidence they have worshiped at St Martin’s for the length of time required by the school’s admissions criteria.

Make sure you check the school’s website for details. 

Attendance sheets available in two places in the Church.


Toddler Group 

Fridays in term time, 10.00am-12.00noon.  Come and join in the fun with crafts, free play, music, singing and stories.  £2.00 per adult, £1.00 per child/baby, includes refreshments.

We are looking for volunteers to help on Fridays in term time, from 9.30am-12.00noon.  Please contact Gill Dargue in the Parish Office if you are able to help.​


Sing-a-long group 

If you enjoy a good sing-a-long, why not pop along to our singing club on Thursdays from 11.00am - 12.00 noon in the Church Hall.  Absolutely no singing skills required!


Thursday Lunches 

Please can you spare a few hours to help our team.  For more information please speak to Sweelin Cunliffe.


Hillingdon Food Bank 

The cost of living crisis is forcing increasing numbers of people to use food banks.​ Please help to maintain our stocks by donating food, either using the collection  bins in the foyer of the church hall or at your local supermarket. Please only give items that have a long shelf-life.












​Parish Office Quiet Day

Please do not disturb on Wednesdays.


Young Church 

If you would like to volunteer to be a helper, and be part of the team that inspires the next generation to embrace the Christian faith, please contact Vicky Golby.


Outlook Magazine

If you have any articles you would like included, Miranda Reading, our Outlook editor, would love to hear from you.  Please email Miranda at :


Weekday worship

Do you realise that prayer continues to be offered day by day in Saint Martin's? It is something that we, as members of the church in Ruislip, should make every effort  to attend. It would be wonderful if more could join one of the daily opportunities to pray together. Wednesday evening Mass is one such time. We can hear the word of God, praise Him and receive the body of Christ. "From the Eucharist comes strength to live the Christian life and zeal to share that life with others."


​​​Games Afternoon at Manor Farm Library

Every Monday from 2.00-4.00pm (adults only).  Drop in and enjoy an afternoon of Backgammon, Scrabble, Rummikub and many more.



This is a free phone line with a talk from the Archbishop of Canterbury, hymns, reflections and prayers. 0800 804 8044.



Important Dates for your Diary:  


Bible Study Group - 16th October, 8.00pm.

                     Community Connex Quiz Night - Saturday 19th October.                  Please see posters for details.

Young Adults Group - Movie Night, Sunday 20th October, 5.30-9.30pm.  Please see posters for details.

              St Martin's Day - 11th November, 7.30pm Patronal Festival Mass          followed by a party.

Martinmass Fayre - Saturday 16th November.





Our Parish Clergy:


Fr Robert Chapman:  01895 366040



Fr Michael:  020 8866 4332  



Our Parish Intern

Rowland Linder:


Parish Office:

01895 625456  

email:  stmartinsruislip@btconnect


Parish Website:


Our Churchwardens:​

Jacqueline Alderton:   07944 878203

Peter Golby:     07908 408108


Safeguarding Officer:

Judith Kaplan:       07803 159130

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